Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day?

So yesterday morning I woke up to my little guy carrying in a big box and heaving it up on the bed. Husband walked in behind and said "Happy Mother's Day" so I eagerly put on my glasses to see what my sweet family brought me. You can imagine my surprise when I saw a blow-up kiddie pool complete with a slide and elephant that sprinkles the pool through his trunk. Husband promptly told me that was from Tiny who handed me a card as I walked out the bedroom. As I opened the card (which subsequently was a picture of a half-naked that says I love you Mom is beyond me), a piece of paper fell out. I picked this paper up and read "I owe you one pair of running shoes today!" which was written on a receipt that was torn in half...thanks? I then questioned Husband on where and when he picked up the blow-up kiddie pool...he apparently left the house at 6:30 Sunday morning when he let out MIL's dog and went to Kroger to pick up a card. While in the card isle with 5 other last-minute dads, he saw a sign that said $10.00 off and got the pool....thanks, honey.

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