Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

Dallas apparently hasn't had a white Christmas since 1975 so I had to make sure to take lots of pictures of Christmas 2009 so I can tell Little Man he has seen a white Christmas, even if he doesn't remember it.

This was our house on Christmas Eve after it had been snowing a few hours.

We went to my parent's house for Christmas Eve dinner (we usually go out for Mexican but stayed inside thanks to the weather and had fajitas)...this is their backyard.

The front of my parent's house...I was covered after being out there for only a minute!

Our house Christmas Eve.

Friday, December 25, 2009

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

Wait! I'm not to come later today!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sad day

Yesterday was a sad day in our household. I knew this day would probably come during our married lifetime but I guess I was hoping that it didn't happen so quickly. Yes folks, Husband lost his wedding ring. After giving it to him (engraved with my birthday and our anniversary and all) over 4 years ago, he went pheasant hunting in Joplin, MO and left his ring on the TV in his hotel. What's sad is the cleaning crew took it and were probably thinking they'd net more than $10 from pawning it but we thought about the possibility of him losing his ring and this is why we got a cheap ring. What's funny is how Husband chose to tell me he lost the original symbol of our love. When he got back on Sunday, I was in a mood b/c I had dealt with a sick baby all weekend and he was getting drunk and shooting things...not a fair trade. Instead of telling me Sunday, he told me he had bad news on Monday when I got home from work...I was confused b/c he had a ring on. The man actually went out Monday and bought a new ring that looked EXACTLY the same sans the engraving. His original ring was a 10 1/2 but the new one is a 10...the 10 1/2 would have taken 2 weeks to order and he wanted one that day! Any suggestions on what I should engrave in this one?

Monday, November 30, 2009


I've fallen way behind in updating pics so here are a few from the last month or so.

Santa's coming....I know him!

Can you see me?


...even more awesome.

Chiling in my blue shirt.

Go bears...

I found a box...

...and fell out of it.

Feed me.



Cabin in Broken Bow, OK

I just thought this was funny

Friday, November 20, 2009

Helmet hair and Stats some new this week that sucks a bit. We took the little man for his 4 month checkup this week and the doctor commented on the flat spot he's got on the back right of his head. I noticed this when he was very young (probably a month old) so we've been trying to do neck stretches and rotate how we hold him and how he sleeps to see if it gets any better for the last 2 months. The doc recommended that we contact Cranial Technologies to see about a consultation which we had this morning and the little man will officially need to wear the helmet. Fortunately, my little flat head is at a good age and shouldn't have to wear it too long but it still sucks. Always looking for the silver lining, I am very excited about getting to decorate the helmet and putting him in funny shirts like the one I found that says "In a few months my head will be round but in a few months, you'll still be ugly", "It's called Plagiocephaly Look it up" or "Don't mind me...just reshaping my head". I've read horror stories about the cost of these things but fortunately (according to the preliminary information), our insurance is great and covers the majority of the cost. We got pictures done this morning and it's amazing to see how lopsided his little head really is when you look at all the angles. Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes as planned!

On another note, we officially have a chunky tub of love according to his latest stats. He currently weighs 17.6 lbs (92%), is 25.5 inches long (75%) and I don't remember his head circumference but it was in the 42%. He has officially started eating rice cereal and loves it. He will start to cry if I don't shovel it in fast enough (see weight percentile for explanation)...this kid is going to end up eating us out of house and home. Last night I went to Target for diapers (he's in size 3 now) and oatmeal cereal and there was a couple behind me checking out holding a baby boy who looked about the same size as my slug. The dad asked how old little man was and when I answered 4 months, they both went "WHOA!". I looked at them a little funny and asked how old their monkey was...he was 10 months old. NICE.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Armpit of America

So I used to think Houston was the armpit of America but I have changed my tune after visiting Broken Bow, Oklahoma this weekend. Husband, the little man, my parents and I rented the cutest little cabin as a mini vaca to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city...boy did we! It's a good thing that we brought enough food to feed 25 people b/c there was a McDonald's in this town and that's about it. To give you an idea about the kind of town we were in, the Wal Mart had all their clothes displayed outside. Interesting. In all actuality, Houston or San Antonio (sorry Kel) are probably still at the top of my "armpit of America" cities but parts of Oklahoma certainly leave something to be desired. All in all, the little man's first trip went very well and the kid certainly didn't leave without getting a good share of kisses and hugs from his grandparents! I'll post pics of some of the interesting sights when I upload them tonight!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sneak Peek

Julie from Photo Jewels Photography has done it again! The little man had his 3 month pictures taken last weekend and here is the sneak peek. We heart you, Julie!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I realized this morning that I don't have it documented anywhere what my little guy is doing and I wanted to jot it down so I can remember what it was like when he was this little.

- He is 3 1/2 months old (15 weeks) and currently weighs over 16 pounds and everyone who sees him says "He's a big boy!"
- His hands and feet have grown! We are taking footprints every month for a quilt that a lady at my dad's work will sew once he turns 1.
- He can sit by himself in the Bumbo or Exersaucer but we have to put some blankets around so he doesn't lean.
- He loves to grin and talk back when you talk to him (this might prove to be a problem in later years but right now it's just cute).
- He still gets up in the middle of the night for a bottle. Sometimes Husband can get him to go back to sleep with just his bink but I usually just give him a bottle. He'll make it all the way through the night about once a week (sometimes for an entire week) but go back to the 2:00 or 3:00 feeding.
- He is drooling like a mad man and loves putting his entire fist in his mouth.
- He has started rolling to his side but hasn't mastered the complete roll-over yet.
- He has 2 feedings during the day of 6 oz each of formula and has smaller (more frequent) bottles of milk when he's home.
- He will crane his neck and move positions to look at the TV which means we have started DVR'ing our favorite shows to watch after he goes to bed.
- He goes to bed around 8:30.
- We swaddle him at night but he always breaks free of the swaddle and loves to sleep with his hands by his face.
- He reaches for the toys on his "gymini" thing and loves to look at himself in the mirror.
- His cry is LOUD! He doesn't cry often (usually only when he's hungry) but you definitely know when he's unhappy.
- I remember life before baby but don't know what we did before him!

We just had our 3 month pics done last weekend so once we get them back, I'll post for everyone to see.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We celebrated Halloween a little differently this year...a night which was previously filled with elaborate costumes and adult beverages started (and ended) much earlier this year with only the kiddos walking around in costumes (adult beverages were still in the picture). The little man decided that he didn't want to nap AT ALL during the day which meant that he provided the screams as sound effects (evidence is below).

Gotta love that face!

All the other kids are calmly looking at the cameras while mine is obviously not happy about having his picture taken...go figure.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A few new photos

Not much to blog about as of late. Husband and some friends did the Muddy Buddy last weekend. For those loyal readers who recognize the name, yes, this was the event last year that I almost died doing with the SIL and will hopefully never have to do again. See pic below of Husband covered with mud about to finish the race.

My little Guido...he looks like he needs some gold chains or something with this outfit.

Husband decided to hook all the little man's toys to his shirt for "easy access"...father of the year material.
Not sure what was being done in this pic but it's what Husband sent me.
I was bored with the boy after work one day and took this the look on his face.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bored at work...

The Survey~
1. Where is your cell phone? Purse
2. Your hair? Brown
3. Your mother? Thoughtful
4. Your father? Patient
5. Your favorite food? Depends on my mood - usually Mexican
6. Your dream last night? Strange
7. Your favorite drink? Beer/Crystal Light
8. Your dream/goal? Happy & laugh a lot
9. What room are you in? Office
10. Your hobby? Reading
11. Your fear? Something to happen to someone I love
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Bigger house
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something that you aren’t? Fully awake
15. Muffins? Blueberry
16. Wish list item? New coat
17. Where did you grow up? Dallas
18. Last thing you did? Checked email
19. What are you wearing? Dress
20. Your TV? Big
21. Your pets? Crazy
22. Friends? Fun
23. Your life? Tired but great
24. Your mood? Sleepy
25. Missing someone? Baby boy
26. Vehicle? White
27. Something you’re not wearing? Pants
28. Your favorite store? Depends
29. Your favorite color? Teal
30. When was the last time you laughed? This morning
31. Last time you cried? Can't remember
32. Your best friend? Husband
33. One place that I go to over and over? Work
34. One person who emails me regularly? Mom
35. Favorite place to eat? Can't think of just one at the moment

Friday, October 9, 2009

Snooping around

So I was snooping around on other blogs comparing the little man's weight to other babies around his age and I realized that my baby is a HOSS! Perfect example is Ebes baby P who was 2 months and 2 weeks and weighed 12 lbs, 6 oz. Husband and I weigh him every Sunday and this last Sunday he weighed in at a whopping 13 lbs, 12 oz. YIKES...that's a full pound and 6 oz more and they were the same birth weight!! Another friend has little T who just isn't that interested in eating so I think my wee man has already passed him up even though T is 5 weeks older. We're still getting up around 3:00 every morning which is hard on me since I now get up at5:00 so I'm going to do some research to see what we can't do to get the little guy sleeping through the nights. I know he can do it b/c he used to sleep through once or twice a week but I think we've had a slight relapse or something b/c it's now a constant thing. Any suggestions??

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dragging today

My sweet little man decided that last night he wanted to wake up at 2:15, 4:30, 5:00, 6:15, etc. so I am DRAGGING ass this morning. I am seriously contemplating taking a nap in my car during lunch but that means I have to move my car from my "princess parking"spot to somewhere a little less noticeable (like the 5th floor of the parking garage). Hopefully the coffee will start kicking in at any moment.
On another topic, I'm almost done reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown...highly recommend this book to anyone who's a Dan Brown fan. I'm not sure I'll know what to do with myself once I'm done reading it (or what I'll do while pumping)....that's one thing I hate about reading. I get so caught up in the story that I am sad when it's done and I have nothing else to read about.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First day back

I am proud to report that I made it through my first day back at work after a lengthy 11 weeks off. Husband and I worked it out where he drops off the little man and I get to pick him up but I actually think I get the good end of the deal b/c I'm not sure I would have been able to drop off my sweet little guy yesterday. Husband even called to say it was a sad day after he dropped him off at the daycare. Luckily, I think he still remembered me and started smiling when I went to get him. A big THANKS to my parents (AKA. Meals on Wheels) who dropped off a tasty casserole and apple cobbler last night! The second day at work has been a little easier as I feel more like myself and not as out of sorts as I did yesterday. Still hooking myself up to the milkers which has been interesting to do at work...closet converted to a milking room complete with paper taped on the window. NICE! I had Husband take a pic of the little man which I'll post later today of his first day at "school". The main thing that the daycare lady said was "He eats a lot". little chunk.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

New duds

A friend of ours recently went to Vegas and picked up a few onesies for us....the problem is that the funniest one was a little too small for the Little (big) man so we had to do some creative cutting to make it into a belly shirt. This one says "I drink until I pass out" and G also got us "Mother Sucker" (which the Little man promptly pooped in) and "Meet me @ da's going down".

We also went to the Dallas Arboretum with my mom on Wednesday since it was my last week at home before going back to work. Here's a pic of us in the pumpkin house.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PETA lovers need not apply

As promised, here are some pics from Oktoberfest...the only ones I have of my Little man are blurry so he's (sadly) not in any of these except the one below and he's facing the wrong way.
Dancing Queen with Husband's German hat on
Thought this was too funny with Peanut dangling his little fingers in his dad's beer (don't worry, we made sure they were cleaned off before he put them in his mouth)

So most of the people I know who read this are not PETA activists but just in case someone has had a change of heart, I have posted pics of the Elk from my FIL's recent hunt below so don't read any further if you don't want to see it.

Husband was gone for a long 6 days which left the Little man and I on our own with the help of some fantastic grandparents...honestly I think I would have gone a little crazy if my parent's hadn't let me hang out with them last week so THANKS!!!

A while back a few friends of ours took a hunter's education class and since I eventually would like to go hunting with a valid license (the one time I went was dove hunting [I shot 2!] and I made up my hunter's education license number) I decided to join them. One of the things we learned there from our...interesting instructor and the book was that you're not supposed to "show off" your kill to respect those who do not hunt. Something about the pic below tells me that my FIL did not read that portion of the book when he took his hunter's ed. Husband said that there were a ton of people who were honking at him and giving him thumbs up on his 10 hour drive home so I guess PETA folks don't reside in Utah.

FIL and his huge Elk

Monday, September 21, 2009

Stats, random quotes and Germans

Ok, I know I am a horrible blogger. You would think with all this time on my hands while I'm still at home, I'd be totally productive but obviously not. I guess you can tell what I do at work now.
The little man is officially 2 months old how time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was getting a full night's sleep. He got a good checkup and 4 shots today. Stats are below:
Head: 15 1/2 inches - 36th percentile
Weight: 12 lbs 8 oz - 71st percentile
Height: 23 3/4 inches - 80th percentile
Husband has been so funny since we had a baby. I have no problem saying that I am not perfectly symmetrical (shocking, I know) and neither is Husband but for some reason, he thinks our little man should be. Perfect example: Little man's ears are not exactly the same size...I think they're off a millimeter or something like that but Husband was downright shocked that his ears didn't measure exactly the same and wanted to know why I wasn't freaking out. Call the Lariat, our son's ears don't match exactly!!!! Another great example: Little man's head isn't perfectly round b/c (I guess) we favored one side when we held him, resulting in a small flat spot on one side. The doc is not the least bit worried about it and just recommended that we do some neck stretches and rotate the positions he's in but I swear Husband lost sleep on this. I had to remind him that he's got a huge ridge on the back of his head and it's never lost him a job so why is it a big deal that little man's head isn't perfect.

Husband has also been foregoing the Ambien CR as of late which makes him very proud as he thought sleep was a lost cause without it but last night (after a few nights of tossing and turning and him needing to have a "productive day today") he decided to take one. I guess he never really stayed up after taking the Ambien but last night he was hilarious. He actually told me "You're so cool" among other things that I can't remember at the moment (even though I SWORE I would remember so that I could have something to blog about today).

Last but not least, the event that the entire household looks forward to came and went on Saturday...that's right, Oktoberfest (Addison). We had a great time with a few couple friends and their babies (honestly, there was a child for almost every couple....can you imagine 4 strollers for a group of 11). It's hard to believe that 2 years ago, we were in Germany for the real deal celebrating our 2nd anniversary.
Husband will actually be out of town for this year's anniversary with his dad and brother on an elk hunt so keep your fingers crossed I don't go insane b/c it'll just be me and the little man. As much as I like to tease Husband, he's a tremendous help and will be seriously missed this week.

I have some pics from Oktoberfest that I'll post shortly...I know you'll all be waiting with bated breath.

Friday, August 28, 2009

I just want some meat...

I know, I haven't posted in a while and I'm sure everyone is expecting an update on the little man but Husband's antics last night are too funny not to blog about.
Husband plays softball in a league in Plano every Thursday night and he went to Lochrann's as is customary after each game. Apparently he celebrated a little more than usual (probably b/c he didn't have to drive and they won by just one run)...he got home around 11:30 and went right to sleep. Since we've had the little man, he's been able to sleep without the help of Ambien CR but last night I wasn't so sure when he got up at 12:30 and promptly pulled down the curtain. When I asked where he was going, he told me that he wanted some meat and the followed that up with "and some sugar". I heard the back down open a few moments later and figured that he took Sophie out to pee and was making himself a snack but got a little suspicious so I walked in the living room and there was Sophie so that must mean that Husband was outside on his own. I freaked out and yanked opened the door with some words that aren't appropriate for this blog. Apparently he just decided that he wanted to pee outside rather than in a toilet like a normal human and came back inside when he was done. While he does remember these events, he has no idea where the meat and sugar came into play and if I didn't have evidence with the curtain, he'd probably deny that happened too. What a life.
More updates regarding the little man to come.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Ok, most people who know me well know that I absolutely LOVED the Harry Potter series...I read everything twice and would have dreams that I had magical powers while reading the books. Well, I have found my new favorite series after watching Twilight. I never really understood the hype behind Robert Pattinson until I actually saw the movie...he's kind of like Johnny Depp in the Pirates movies; crazy strange but it works for him. Since I have some extra time on my hands (haha), I plan on starting the books today although I was dying to know what happens so I actually googled the books and found out how each one ends. This absolutely drives Husband NUTS when I do things like that or read the last chapter of a book before starting the book; he actually threatened to tear out the last chapter and only give it to me once I had finished the chapters leading up to it. :)

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Here are some of my favorite pictures that Julie captured in our newborn session...HUGE props to Ebes for posting her little man's pics so that I could see how awesome Julie is!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Following the pack

Ok, after 2 friends are making their blogs private and reading about the crazy stories that people have posted regarding people stealing pictures from blogs, I'll follow the pack and make my blog private as well. Post your email address in the comments section if you want me to add you on the lucky few with permission to view my blog...I'm sure no one wants to miss out on my stories! haha

Monday, August 3, 2009


After seeing Julie's handiwork on the White House blog, I immediately booked her for the baby package and am SO glad I did. Check out her blog for some sneak peek pics of the little man. I can't wait to see the rest!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Breaking records

So I think we broke a record today on how fast a new mom got pooped on. We were changing the little man before his doc appt and he started pooping. I was quick enough to get the original dirty one over his butt the first time and Husband and I laughed about how close that was. I was not so luck for the second round which occurred a second after Husband lifted up his legs and pointed the weapon towards me. Gives a new meaning to the shit has hit the fan...if I hadn't been in the direct path, it might have squirted on the ceiling.
Measurements from the doc:
Head: 14 - 32nd percentile
Height: 21 inches - 78th percentile
Weight: 8lbs 2.5oz - 46th percentile

I'll post more pics later.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tuesday's events

Ok, now that I have some time while the little man is sleeping, I thought I'd jot down the events of last Tuesday (mainly so I can remember down the road).
We checked in the hospital at 7:30 Tuesday morning and were put into labor and delivery room 6 with Gina (yes, the entire time I was thinking of that rap song that has the line Gina, Gina, sperm eater/cleaner or however it goes). I changed into the lovely hospital gown that you can see in my post below and started the IV. Since I'm diabetic, they had to set me up with a mainline IV that had regular saline solution, a sugar water solution, pitocin and insulin...that was a process. This was around 8:30ish and I think I was a "tight 3" and 60% effaced at that time. The doc came in about 9:00 and broke my water. That was...interesting. 10:30 came around and I was starting to get uncomfortable with the contractions so I told Gina I might be interested in talking to the anesthesiologist soon. I got the epidural around 11:00 (didn't hurt a bit and is the most fantastic invention ever!!) and continued to just wait. One funny moment occurred after the doc put in the catheter...I felt a weird pressure in my butt so I asked Gina if the doc had put something up there. She laughed and said that was the baby putting pressure down there but Husband got a good laugh out of it.
About 5:00ish I started to get uncomfortable again and since we were almost to the pushing time, we kicked everyone out and I got a topper on the epi. Gina came back in about 6:15 and said it was time to start pushing so Husband handed me one leg and Gina handed me the other and we started. Let me just stop here and say how strange it is to have the entire bottom 1/2 of your body numb while you're trying to a) hold onto your own leg and b) push. I was really surprised how hard it actually was to push and how exhausted I was after 3 10 second pushing sessions. After the first few good pushes, little man's heart rate dropped to the 60s so Gina quickly turned me on my side and started rubbing my belly...I'll say this scared the living shit out of me b/c I couldn't do anything except lay there and pray that Uno's heart rate would go back up. His heart rate finally came back up to the 115 levels but Gina had me push a few times on my side before the doc came in to see what was going on. She checked and said that he was face up and she was going to try and turn him back down when I pushed next. The next little bit is kind of a blur...we pushed a few more times and the doc looked at Husband and I and said that she needed to get the baby out and wanted to use the "salad tongs" to get him. At this point, I just wanted him out so I said do whatever you have to do. Looking back, I think his heart rate kept dropping after each contraction and that's why she went ahead and got the "tongs". All of a sudden, there are a million people in the room and the doc is elbow deep in my business. Every time I pushed, she'd tug on the little guy...Husband said he and Gina were actually helping me stay on the bed b/c she was pulling so hard on the baby. After what seems like only a few minutes, his head popped out and a few more pushes showed us that we had a baby boy after a long 9 months of waiting to see what we were having. I actually had to ask Husband if it was a boy or girl b/c when the doc held him up, the cord was in the way so I couldn't see anything! The nurses told us that he had 2 dimples, huge hands and feet and that he had red hair (I think they're all crazy b/c it looks like a sandy blond to everyone outside of the hospital staff). They inked his feet and put the prints on Husband's chest (he said he saw another dad with prints on his chest coming out of the nursery and bowed up to show that our son had bigger feet. haha!) Husband got a little man-to-man time while they finished me up and I finally got to hold the newest love of my life after he was all cleaned up. Although Husband swore that he would tell everyone what we had in person, he couldn't tear himself away from the little man so he sent a quick text which (apparently) sent everyone into cheers in the waiting room. They got to see him in person when he had his first bath and were able to hold him for the first time after we were moved to post-op about 9:30ish.
We got to leave the hospital with the newest member of our wolf pack (Hangover anyone) on Thursday afternoon. We had a small scare on Saturday as we went in for a lactation consult and they said that his bilirubin (jaundice) levels were way high so we went home and proceeded to feed, feed, feed with the hopes that he could poop out the bad stuff (which he did over and over again). I never thought I'd be so happy to have to change a poop-filled diaper! His levels were going down when we went back in Sunday and will have our first pedi visit on Tuesday to make sure everything is good.

Funny moments:
On Sunday when we went in, Husband was in front of me waiting at the elevators when I walked in the lobby. The security guard saw how I was walking from the back and asked if I was in labor. I laughed and said, no, I just had that one but Husband was dying!
After our lactation consult on Sunday, the lady was changing his diaper and the little guy started peeing and I think it his his face. This was the first time this has happened so we got a big kick out of it.

I'm sure we'll have lots of these moments in the future!

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's a...

...BOY! Luke Homer was born at 7:14 pm on Tuesday night at a whopping 8 lbs, 9 oz and 20 inches long. We got home yesterday afternoon and are slowly adjusting to life with a newborn baby. Here are some making fun of me in these pics, he was a big baby! He is the spitting image of Husband and has HUGE feet and hands.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

He's got a way with words

Most of you who read this know Husband and I well enough to know we usually say what we're thinking...sometimes this is a blessing b/c you know where we stand; other times, not so much. Tonight as I was putting lotion on my belly, Husband comes up, looks at me with a thoughtful grin and says "If I were you, I'd be freaking out thinking about pushing a watermelon out of me." That helps with any apprehension I have....thanks. This kid has absolutely no chance of finding a censor button laying around with parents like us.
Just to keep everyone up to speed, we're scheduled to check into the hospital on Tuesday morning at 7:30 to be induced. As of last checkup, Uno was approximately 8 lbs so we'll see how accurate the doc's fancy machine really is. I'll try to post a quick blurb after Uno's debut just to let everyone know if it's a girl or boy.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Went to the doc today for another invasive little visit..."tight" 2, still around 50% effaced but she said that Uno has definitely descended into the birth canal (I think her exact words were "Oh, baby's really down there"). My diabetic counterpart who was due on the same day, gained the same amount, wasn't finding out what the sex was, etc. went into labor earlier this week and delivered her baby on Tuesday so I guess we're next in line.
I'll keep you posted but the official date is still the 21st (12 days from now). I should probably find a pediatrician and day care, huh?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Push Present

Ok, I know the first question I get is going to be from my friend Peturkey who is not from Texas and will say "WTF is a push present? That must be a Tex-Ass thing". I'm going to ignore you, Peturkey.
Some months ago, Husband and I noticed that our fancy front door wasn't closing very well...after inspecting, we realized that the veneer on the front was coming off and wasn't allowing the door to close without someone going outside, pushing it back in and the other person closing the door. Very upscale. Around my birthday, the door stopped being able to shut so Husband and Vegas SIL actually had to tape it so we could shut it. Again, only the best for Husband and I.
We decided to bite the bullet and get a new front door (ie. my "push present") from Seconds and Surplus. For anyone in the Dallas area, I highly suggest this place if you're looking for materials for a do-it-yourself project that is on the inexpensive side (notice I did not say's good quality stuff, just cheaper. Personally I think they can sell it for cheaper b/c it's a huge warehouse and not air conditioned so make sure you are ready to start sweating if you go during the summer months). We went one weekend with the 'rents and decided on a gorgeous new solid-wood front door (pictures below).
Here's where I'll do something slightly un-characteristic for my blog...really brag on Husband. I know I've mentioned that he's a handy-man and has organizational skills I can only dream about, but can I just say that he really impressed me with this last project. He stained and sealed the door himself in the dead ass heat of summer and installed the door (with my dad's help) this weekend. As you might know, Texas summer is HOT and this weekend was no exception with the highs around 103. They worked their asses off for 9 hours in this heat! What I love (and sometimes hate) is that Husband is a perfectionist so anytime that we do projects, he's never completely satisfied if the project isn't 110% perfect. I think he reached that perfection with the door. I can proudly say that we have the most gorgeous door in the neighborhood (and might I mention that we saw the same door in the neighborhood across the street where the houses start at $500K).



