Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Breaking records

So I think we broke a record today on how fast a new mom got pooped on. We were changing the little man before his doc appt and he started pooping. I was quick enough to get the original dirty one over his butt the first time and Husband and I laughed about how close that was. I was not so luck for the second round which occurred a second after Husband lifted up his legs and pointed the weapon towards me. Gives a new meaning to the shit has hit the fan...if I hadn't been in the direct path, it might have squirted on the ceiling.
Measurements from the doc:
Head: 14 - 32nd percentile
Height: 21 inches - 78th percentile
Weight: 8lbs 2.5oz - 46th percentile

I'll post more pics later.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tuesday's events

Ok, now that I have some time while the little man is sleeping, I thought I'd jot down the events of last Tuesday (mainly so I can remember down the road).
We checked in the hospital at 7:30 Tuesday morning and were put into labor and delivery room 6 with Gina (yes, the entire time I was thinking of that rap song that has the line Gina, Gina, sperm eater/cleaner or however it goes). I changed into the lovely hospital gown that you can see in my post below and started the IV. Since I'm diabetic, they had to set me up with a mainline IV that had regular saline solution, a sugar water solution, pitocin and insulin...that was a process. This was around 8:30ish and I think I was a "tight 3" and 60% effaced at that time. The doc came in about 9:00 and broke my water. That was...interesting. 10:30 came around and I was starting to get uncomfortable with the contractions so I told Gina I might be interested in talking to the anesthesiologist soon. I got the epidural around 11:00 (didn't hurt a bit and is the most fantastic invention ever!!) and continued to just wait. One funny moment occurred after the doc put in the catheter...I felt a weird pressure in my butt so I asked Gina if the doc had put something up there. She laughed and said that was the baby putting pressure down there but Husband got a good laugh out of it.
About 5:00ish I started to get uncomfortable again and since we were almost to the pushing time, we kicked everyone out and I got a topper on the epi. Gina came back in about 6:15 and said it was time to start pushing so Husband handed me one leg and Gina handed me the other and we started. Let me just stop here and say how strange it is to have the entire bottom 1/2 of your body numb while you're trying to a) hold onto your own leg and b) push. I was really surprised how hard it actually was to push and how exhausted I was after 3 10 second pushing sessions. After the first few good pushes, little man's heart rate dropped to the 60s so Gina quickly turned me on my side and started rubbing my belly...I'll say this scared the living shit out of me b/c I couldn't do anything except lay there and pray that Uno's heart rate would go back up. His heart rate finally came back up to the 115 levels but Gina had me push a few times on my side before the doc came in to see what was going on. She checked and said that he was face up and she was going to try and turn him back down when I pushed next. The next little bit is kind of a blur...we pushed a few more times and the doc looked at Husband and I and said that she needed to get the baby out and wanted to use the "salad tongs" to get him. At this point, I just wanted him out so I said do whatever you have to do. Looking back, I think his heart rate kept dropping after each contraction and that's why she went ahead and got the "tongs". All of a sudden, there are a million people in the room and the doc is elbow deep in my business. Every time I pushed, she'd tug on the little guy...Husband said he and Gina were actually helping me stay on the bed b/c she was pulling so hard on the baby. After what seems like only a few minutes, his head popped out and a few more pushes showed us that we had a baby boy after a long 9 months of waiting to see what we were having. I actually had to ask Husband if it was a boy or girl b/c when the doc held him up, the cord was in the way so I couldn't see anything! The nurses told us that he had 2 dimples, huge hands and feet and that he had red hair (I think they're all crazy b/c it looks like a sandy blond to everyone outside of the hospital staff). They inked his feet and put the prints on Husband's chest (he said he saw another dad with prints on his chest coming out of the nursery and bowed up to show that our son had bigger feet. haha!) Husband got a little man-to-man time while they finished me up and I finally got to hold the newest love of my life after he was all cleaned up. Although Husband swore that he would tell everyone what we had in person, he couldn't tear himself away from the little man so he sent a quick text which (apparently) sent everyone into cheers in the waiting room. They got to see him in person when he had his first bath and were able to hold him for the first time after we were moved to post-op about 9:30ish.
We got to leave the hospital with the newest member of our wolf pack (Hangover anyone) on Thursday afternoon. We had a small scare on Saturday as we went in for a lactation consult and they said that his bilirubin (jaundice) levels were way high so we went home and proceeded to feed, feed, feed with the hopes that he could poop out the bad stuff (which he did over and over again). I never thought I'd be so happy to have to change a poop-filled diaper! His levels were going down when we went back in Sunday and will have our first pedi visit on Tuesday to make sure everything is good.

Funny moments:
On Sunday when we went in, Husband was in front of me waiting at the elevators when I walked in the lobby. The security guard saw how I was walking from the back and asked if I was in labor. I laughed and said, no, I just had that one but Husband was dying!
After our lactation consult on Sunday, the lady was changing his diaper and the little guy started peeing and I think it his his face. This was the first time this has happened so we got a big kick out of it.

I'm sure we'll have lots of these moments in the future!

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's a...

...BOY! Luke Homer was born at 7:14 pm on Tuesday night at a whopping 8 lbs, 9 oz and 20 inches long. We got home yesterday afternoon and are slowly adjusting to life with a newborn baby. Here are some pics...no making fun of me in these pics, he was a big baby! He is the spitting image of Husband and has HUGE feet and hands.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

He's got a way with words

Most of you who read this know Husband and I well enough to know we usually say what we're thinking...sometimes this is a blessing b/c you know where we stand; other times, not so much. Tonight as I was putting lotion on my belly, Husband comes up, looks at me with a thoughtful grin and says "If I were you, I'd be freaking out thinking about pushing a watermelon out of me." That helps with any apprehension I have....thanks. This kid has absolutely no chance of finding a censor button laying around with parents like us.
Just to keep everyone up to speed, we're scheduled to check into the hospital on Tuesday morning at 7:30 to be induced. As of last checkup, Uno was approximately 8 lbs so we'll see how accurate the doc's fancy machine really is. I'll try to post a quick blurb after Uno's debut just to let everyone know if it's a girl or boy.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Went to the doc today for another invasive little visit..."tight" 2, still around 50% effaced but she said that Uno has definitely descended into the birth canal (I think her exact words were "Oh, baby's really down there"). My diabetic counterpart who was due on the same day, gained the same amount, wasn't finding out what the sex was, etc. went into labor earlier this week and delivered her baby on Tuesday so I guess we're next in line.
I'll keep you posted but the official date is still the 21st (12 days from now). I should probably find a pediatrician and day care, huh?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Push Present

Ok, I know the first question I get is going to be from my friend Peturkey who is not from Texas and will say "WTF is a push present? That must be a Tex-Ass thing". I'm going to ignore you, Peturkey.
Some months ago, Husband and I noticed that our fancy front door wasn't closing very well...after inspecting, we realized that the veneer on the front was coming off and wasn't allowing the door to close without someone going outside, pushing it back in and the other person closing the door. Very upscale. Around my birthday, the door stopped being able to shut so Husband and Vegas SIL actually had to tape it so we could shut it. Again, only the best for Husband and I.
We decided to bite the bullet and get a new front door (ie. my "push present") from Seconds and Surplus. For anyone in the Dallas area, I highly suggest this place if you're looking for materials for a do-it-yourself project that is on the inexpensive side (notice I did not say cheap....it's good quality stuff, just cheaper. Personally I think they can sell it for cheaper b/c it's a huge warehouse and not air conditioned so make sure you are ready to start sweating if you go during the summer months). We went one weekend with the 'rents and decided on a gorgeous new solid-wood front door (pictures below).
Here's where I'll do something slightly un-characteristic for my blog...really brag on Husband. I know I've mentioned that he's a handy-man and has organizational skills I can only dream about, but can I just say that he really impressed me with this last project. He stained and sealed the door himself in the dead ass heat of summer and installed the door (with my dad's help) this weekend. As you might know, Texas summer is HOT and this weekend was no exception with the highs around 103. They worked their asses off for 9 hours in this heat! What I love (and sometimes hate) is that Husband is a perfectionist so anytime that we do projects, he's never completely satisfied if the project isn't 110% perfect. I think he reached that perfection with the door. I can proudly say that we have the most gorgeous door in the neighborhood (and might I mention that we saw the same door in the neighborhood across the street where the houses start at $500K).





Thursday, July 2, 2009

I should really listen to Husband more...

I never thought I would say, much less write, that I should listen to Husband more, but here I am, in plain English, admitting that he is a smarter person than I (sometimes). I went for my first "invasive" doc appointment this afternoon and found out that I am dilated 1.5 cm and 50% effaced. With this progress, the doc says I'm on target to have a vaginal birth (I promise to refer to this as "regular" from here on out b/c that just sounds dirty), not the c-section I was banking on. This is where the title of the blog comes in...all throughout the baby classes, Husband kept leaning over asking if I was paying attention to the facts about regular births. I, of course, was not, but paid very close attention to the facts about c-sections. Never one to say "I told you so", you can imagine what came out of Husband's mouth when I informed him of my progress.
19 days and counting!