Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Little man went in for his 15 month check-up last week and here are his stats:
Weight: 27.2 - 80% percentile
Height: 33.5 inches - 96% percentile
Head: I think 42% percentile but didn't pay that much attention to the head.

If he stays on target, he's set to be 6ft 2in! He certainly didn't get his height from me! :) He has always been a pretty even-tempered baby and rarely cries but I think he might be learning some not-so-good habits from the other kids at school b/c if I take away something that he wants (say a 1/2 full cup of water that he thought he could drink on his own and ended up soaking everything in a 1 foot radius), he SCREAMS. Not cries a little, he actually screams like I just cut off a finger. Wonderful. He can play peek-a-boo (something I discovered last night), loves to point at people, dance like a crazy person, play the piano (we have an old player piano and when we turn it on, he acts like he's playing) and EAT.

In other news, we're going on a couples retreat in February. OK, so it's not actually called a couples retreat but we're going to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico with 2 other couple friends...I can't wait!!

Here are some more pics from Halloween and other random ones.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Double Meat, Double Cheese

For Halloween, my little guy was a hamburger. Here are a few pics of his first real trick or treating experience. I'll see if I can get some pics from my work to post also!