Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We're so advanced!

Ok, I always promised myself that I wouldn't be one of those parents who brag all the time about how advanced their baby is but I'm totally going to in this post. My baby is the first one our pediatrician sees who has.....drumroll please.....RSV! I know, everyone reading this must be sooooo jealous of the breathing treatments that we have to do every 4 hours and the fun that we're going to have. If you want to call me this weekend, I'm sure I can put the little man on the phone so you can share some of this fun with us!

Monday, January 4, 2010

I'm hungry...

I left the fridge open for a second and turned around to see this....what can I say, the guy likes to eat. On the topic of eating, stay tuned for pics of the boy eating green beans...very funny.