Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baby to Adult

I can hardly believe that my baby boy is already one but this was completely solidified when we had his one year pics with Julie. She completely captured his personality and some of the best pics I think we've gotten since he was born! If anyone is looking for a good photographer, I can't say enough wonderful things about Julie. Check out the sneak peeks...

Special thanks again to Ebes for posting P's pics over a year ago and "introducing" us to Julie!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

June through August

I have a very good reason for not blogging got in the way. Here are some pics from our recent adventures.

In June, Husband and I took a long trip to Hawaii (baby-free).

Sunset on the first night on the Big Island
Husband found his look.
Black sand beach
I'd hate to be standing behind him...
Secluded beach
Akaka Falls
Lookout just before sunset
I loved how the clouds were so low
Wet side of the Big Island
Turtle (we also saw a few on Oahu when we were paddle boarding)
Another black sand beach right after a storm passed through
Black sand beach
Just hanging out
Water with the storm moving out
Our view from the hotel in Honolulu
First night on Oahu
I know it's blurry but I love the colors in the sky
Husband and I on a catamaran to watch the fireworks (it was July 4)
Hole in an island
Chinaman's Hat
The water was so blue here
There was a cave below this rock
Making a very important decision
Lighthouse from Diamond Head

In July, my little man turned 1! We celebrated with a Luau (fitting since we just got back from Hawaii). These pics are out of order but you get the gist.
He liked the icing-covered cone from his sandcastle cake better than the cake itself!

Plotting which part to eat first
Little man thinks "Whoa...a football!" while Little T looks on.
Is this how you make it vibrate?
In late July/August, we went to see Husband's family in Utah. Again, pics are out of order but whatever. On the last night we were camping, there was a big storm so I managed to get some really cool pics of the sky and the double rainbow (for those of you who haven't seen the double-rainbow bit on, you need to check it out).