Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Don't Shake the Belly

Sorry for the delay in blogging...need not take that fateful plunge off the ledge for fear that I have succumbed to the Myspace status of forgotten and left forever. Life and work have been crazy lately and I haven't even started doing our taxes!
I tried to take a belly shot today of myself in the mirror but it's not working so Vegas SIL, you'll have to wait a little longer to see Uno's current home. I can tell you that I have definitely "popped" and, sadly, my pre-preggo jeans no longer fit. It was a depressing day this weekend when I tried to put them on and realized that they a) looked horrible and b) were completely uncomfortable. I have surrendered to the maternity jeans which I will say are comfortable but they're no Citizens. I know, I know, they have Seven/Citizen/Joe's in maternity but I cannot bring myself to spend $200 on jeans that I know I won't wear in the summer heat! With the belly in full sight (at least to me) and me full of energy the other night, I thought it would be funny to see what Husband did when I grabbed the belly and started shaking it while singing "Shake your money-maker like somebody 'bout to pay ya". I'm not talking about a gentle shake, this was a full on vibrating shake that some of you may feel the need to comment on due to concerns of the safety of Uno. My thought is that when I laugh hard (which I do often), it's basically the same thing. Needless to say, Husband was not impressed but did give me some great inspiration for the blog title!
In other news, today is St. Patty's day, a favorite holiday in our household. I decided after I found out I was preggo that I needed a great shirt to wear for today and hit the jackpot online while searching for funny/tacky maternity shirts. I'm not big into maternity shirts (especially the ones that say, "Pregnant, not fat". Honestly, what if you were a little fat before...it opens you up to all kinds of remarks. I tried to take pictures but they turned out horrible (will post later when Husband is able to help....he's currently at the bar celebrating) but the shirt I got says "Got some Irish in me, now I'm knocked up". :) So tacky but true! As a parting gift, here's a St. Patty's day tidbit I learned this morning while listening to Bo and Jim. Apparently, Saint Patrick was actually born to a Scottish family even though he's the patron saint of Ireland. Not sure how true this may be but I didn't really feel like searching for information on Saint Patrick.
It's not a matter of upper and lower class but of being up a while and down a while.
Irish Proverb

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Uno update

It seems that I have been so preoccupied with my poop stories I completely forgot to give an update on Uno. We went to the doc on Friday, Feb. 20th for my 16 week ultrasound and I had another round of blood drawn for the genetic stuff (everything came back normal). The blood thing was interesting to say the least b/c I'm convinced that the lady working the blood booth had no previous experience before being hired! The first time I went in she stuck the needle in my arm and had to fish around to get the blood to start flowing into the little capsule thing. This time, she stuck me 2 times before she apparently hit a vein but apparently she didn't hit it very well b/c it was slowly seeping into the tube, not shooting into it like it is supposed to. She finally gave up after the vial was filled 1/2 way and got the office manager to come do it. The office manager got it in about 5 seconds (in the other arm) but I left looking like a junkie with bruises on both arms! It's bad enough that I have to shoot up (insulin, that is) but now I actually look like I'm shooting up!! This normally wouldn't be a big deal but since I have to get my blood taken every 3 months to check my A1C levels (diabetic stuff), I know how easy/painless/fast it usually is.
Moving on, don't ask me where I got this misconception, but I thought I had to have a full bladder when getting an ultrasound. If anyone reading this is pregnant/thinking about getting pregnant, let me fill you in....you don't have to have a full bladder. I found this out after the technician had already smeared the goop all over my stomach and noticed that I had an extremely full bladder. I politely told her I thought I had to have a full bladder and she laughed and said not these days. Lesson learned. Keep in mind, this wasn't a semi-full bladder moment, this was a "I'm in pain b/c my bladder is so full and if you keep on pressing right on it with the machine, I might pee on myself" moment. So she starts buzzing right through the sonogram while Husband and I are trying to understand what the hell she's seeing and how the hell she knows what it is. Case in point, she zoomed in on the heart and Husband thought it was Uno opening his/her mouth. Since we're not finding out what the sex is, it was kind of fun trying to see...well, anything, so we could guess. Towards the end of the sono, we asked if she knew what the sex is and she verified she knew what it was but it wouldn't be listed anywhere on my file. Then the doc came in and did the same kind of thing but his was a lot less descriptive. After a few minutes (maybe 2 at the most) we were asking if we should look away from the screen at any point if he needed to see a picture that would be a "money shot" as my friend Paige calls it but he said he already knew what Uno was! So now 2 people know what we're having (no Lisa/Krissy, I will not give you the docs name to call him and ask). After the doc left, Husband was like "I know what we're having, I saw". Keep in mind, not 15 minutes before, he thought the heart was the mouth. So I ask and he tells me what he thinks. I start laughing b/c I could have sworn when the doc was talking to us, he said "his/her heart looks good" but my guess was opposite of what Husband thought. :) I guess this kid will keep us guessing until the very end! I would post pictures of the sonogram but I honestly can't tell what they're pictures of and I was there so I think I'll wait for the next ones to post (if you can see anything).