Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PETA lovers need not apply

As promised, here are some pics from Oktoberfest...the only ones I have of my Little man are blurry so he's (sadly) not in any of these except the one below and he's facing the wrong way.
Dancing Queen with Husband's German hat on
Thought this was too funny with Peanut dangling his little fingers in his dad's beer (don't worry, we made sure they were cleaned off before he put them in his mouth)

So most of the people I know who read this are not PETA activists but just in case someone has had a change of heart, I have posted pics of the Elk from my FIL's recent hunt below so don't read any further if you don't want to see it.

Husband was gone for a long 6 days which left the Little man and I on our own with the help of some fantastic grandparents...honestly I think I would have gone a little crazy if my parent's hadn't let me hang out with them last week so THANKS!!!

A while back a few friends of ours took a hunter's education class and since I eventually would like to go hunting with a valid license (the one time I went was dove hunting [I shot 2!] and I made up my hunter's education license number) I decided to join them. One of the things we learned there from our...interesting instructor and the book was that you're not supposed to "show off" your kill to respect those who do not hunt. Something about the pic below tells me that my FIL did not read that portion of the book when he took his hunter's ed. Husband said that there were a ton of people who were honking at him and giving him thumbs up on his 10 hour drive home so I guess PETA folks don't reside in Utah.

FIL and his huge Elk

Monday, September 21, 2009

Stats, random quotes and Germans

Ok, I know I am a horrible blogger. You would think with all this time on my hands while I'm still at home, I'd be totally productive but obviously not. I guess you can tell what I do at work now.
The little man is officially 2 months old today...man how time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was getting a full night's sleep. He got a good checkup and 4 shots today. Stats are below:
Head: 15 1/2 inches - 36th percentile
Weight: 12 lbs 8 oz - 71st percentile
Height: 23 3/4 inches - 80th percentile
Husband has been so funny since we had a baby. I have no problem saying that I am not perfectly symmetrical (shocking, I know) and neither is Husband but for some reason, he thinks our little man should be. Perfect example: Little man's ears are not exactly the same size...I think they're off a millimeter or something like that but Husband was downright shocked that his ears didn't measure exactly the same and wanted to know why I wasn't freaking out. Call the Lariat, our son's ears don't match exactly!!!! Another great example: Little man's head isn't perfectly round b/c (I guess) we favored one side when we held him, resulting in a small flat spot on one side. The doc is not the least bit worried about it and just recommended that we do some neck stretches and rotate the positions he's in but I swear Husband lost sleep on this. I had to remind him that he's got a huge ridge on the back of his head and it's never lost him a job so why is it a big deal that little man's head isn't perfect.

Husband has also been foregoing the Ambien CR as of late which makes him very proud as he thought sleep was a lost cause without it but last night (after a few nights of tossing and turning and him needing to have a "productive day today") he decided to take one. I guess he never really stayed up after taking the Ambien but last night he was hilarious. He actually told me "You're so cool" among other things that I can't remember at the moment (even though I SWORE I would remember so that I could have something to blog about today).

Last but not least, the event that the entire household looks forward to came and went on Saturday...that's right, Oktoberfest (Addison). We had a great time with a few couple friends and their babies (honestly, there was a child for almost every couple....can you imagine 4 strollers for a group of 11). It's hard to believe that 2 years ago, we were in Germany for the real deal celebrating our 2nd anniversary.
Husband will actually be out of town for this year's anniversary with his dad and brother on an elk hunt so keep your fingers crossed I don't go insane b/c it'll just be me and the little man. As much as I like to tease Husband, he's a tremendous help and will be seriously missed this week.

I have some pics from Oktoberfest that I'll post shortly...I know you'll all be waiting with bated breath.