Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I took the above pic of my feet last night before going to bed...WTF???? Anyone want to tell me why the left one is swollen and the right one is normal (well, maybe a little bit of swelling but that's nothing compared to the other)? Seriously, it looks like someone else put on the same polish as me and stuck their foot in my picture.

As promised, pics of my burned arms from the Rangers game. Not a pretty sight.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rangers = Burned

Apparently being preggo makes you more susceptible to the sun. Found that little tidbit out yesterday when we went to the ass whopping the Rangers got by the Yankees. Besides being a horrible game as the Rangers lost 11-1 (for those of you who don't know, Husband and I are Boston fans so we naturally root for the Red Sox or anyone playing the Yankees), it was HOT. This will definitely be the last outside sporting event I attend until Uno makes his/her debut. Like the moron I am, I wore roll-up pants and a short sleeve shirt thinking that a little sun might make my arms look a little better. Can you say lobster???? I am now sporting a farmers tan on my left arm (along with a watch tan b/c the tops of my hands burned), a nice pink tone on the inside of my forearms and nothing anywhere else. Great...getting pictures done on the 7th. Should be lovely. I'll be sure to post pics of my arms before they start to fade/peel (not sure which way we're going since the sun thing has never really been an issue in the past).

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Aaaa....Freak OUT!

It's official. I am scheduled to either be induced or have a c-section on July 21. For those of you reading this on the same day I'm posting, that's exactly 2 months from today. Nice.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Not the best pic, I know, but when Husband and I were sashaying through downtown McKinney this weekend, we came across this old mom and pop store that had vintage candy and couldn't resist taking this pic of an U-NO bar next to Uno! :)

Monday, May 18, 2009


Yesterday, it was such a nice day (compared to the rainy Saturday we had) Husband decided he wanted to take a Sunday-drive...he's only 30, I swear! So we packed the car with a few snacks (hello...preggo here!) and took off. We basically had the idea to get on 380 and drive East. We ended up seeing signs for historic downtown McKinney, a place I had been pestering Husband to go to with me, so we detoured down that way. It was about 12:45 and we were both starving and decided to forgo finding a cozy little place for lunch in McKinney and stopped at the DQ for a bite. I'm not always a big fan of the DQ, especially after reading some of those "Worst foods" facts that seems to pop up on Yahoo every month and always have something from DQ on there, but the thought of a blizzard was entirely too tempting for a 7 mo. preggo lady so we pulled in. This must have been the "it" place for the "over 70 and just got out of church crowd" so I'm sure all the old ladies in their Sunday-best were thinking "Sinners" as soon as we walked in. Thinking ahead to my blizzard, I sensibly ordered a grilled chicken sandwich, no fries and a small diet coke and upon arrival of the sammy, took as much of the bread off as possible while still keeping it a sandwich. As a side note, Husband ordered a hunger-buster with cheese, fries and a large coke...what the hell. I look at any of the above and my ass grows...Husband eats/drinks all and his pants are loose. Back to the point. I finish my grilled chicken sandwich and start looking over the blizzard menu to see if they have gummy bears as an option (they don't which disappoints me). I ask Husband what he is planning on getting and he looks at me a little funny and says "I'm not getting one". WHAT?!?! You meant to tell me that I settled on a rubber grilled chicken sandwich with the expectation that I was going to get a tasty blizzard afterward that would make up for the mediocre lunch and you're not getting one? I am almost in tears at this point. Husband sees the panic start and tries to calm me down, assuring me that he was kidding about the blizzard and that he is indeed getting one and was planning on getting one all along. I'm not convinced but eventually start to breath again and order our blizzards, which we ate while walking around downtown McKinney. Happy pregnant lady.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fatty McGee

Husband and I had another sonogram this morning so I thought I'd provide an updated for those interested peeps.
While I'm still measuring on-time (with the tape thing), apparently we have a big baby. Uno was weighing in at a whopping 3 lbs, 8 oz this morning and is currently in the 75th percentile for weight at 28 weeks, 4 days. All I could hear in my head when I heard that was "Fatty, fatty, 2 by 4, can't fit through the"...never mind. The doc said that while Uno is big, he/she is not as big as some pre-gestational diabetics who are in the 90th percentile and also mentioned that the baby would be taken at 38 weeks. HOLY CRAP! This is the perinatal doc, not my normal OB but I would imagine that their views are one and the same. Um...that means that my due date would be around July 20-21 rather than August 3-4. In all honesty, this gives me immense relief b/c I have been fretting about the official due date thinking that I was going to have to bring home a 12 lb running back that wouldn't fit in any newborn clothes, would outgrow the car seat within a week and would eat Husband and I out of house and home! I'm also very glad that my parentals decided to cancel the cruise they were planning on taking to Russia this summer as they would have gotten back around July 23rd. I know, completely selfish but what if I need my mommy?!?
We also got a 4D ultrasound this morning which was completely unexpected and the docs office recorded the session for us on a DVD. VERY cool. We can actually see our kid's face. It's amazing what technology can do these days. I'll see if I can post pictures but Uno was hiding behind his/her hand for 1/2 the pics and had his/her face pressed up against the placenta (gross, I know) for the shots that they gave us so they're not the entire face unobstructed but you can get the general idea.
That's all I have for now.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


It's official, Texas summer has begun. Yeah, it's possible that we might have a few nice days left in May but the heat has settled over us and won't be going away for a long 4 months (at the very least). This is not going to be a pretty or enjoyable summer for yours truly. The only good thing about this time of the year are the flowers that are blooming like crazy. I put a pic of my beautiful lilies that bloom this time every year in the back yard. I take no credit for these...they came with the house and come up each year without me doing anything! Best flower ever.

When I got home today, I was surprised to see MIL's dog, Sophie, patiently waiting for me at the back door. Sophie is from the same breeder as our little guy Tex but is surprisingly normal...she goes on walks and everything just like a real dog does (or so I'm told). Sophie is regularly groomed and her appointment is coming up so she's a little shaggy at the moment so of course, I decided to take a picture of her. See if you can guess which one Sophie is.

This morning Husband called me to let me know we had ants in the house. Not a big deal, I thought and just said "RAID" like they do in the commercials. Here's what funny about Husband. He's a real handy man, great at fixing/building stuff and always has a logical solution to a problem BUT the first thing that entered his mind was that we were going to have to call the exterminator to get rid of the ants. Thankfully reason kicked in and he realized he could just spray the area they came in from and nip this problem in the bud very quickly. Hence the call on the way to Home Depot. I informed Husband that we already had Raid (see Weapons of Mass Destruction blog for refresher) but asked him to get a few cans of wasp spray b/c the wasps are back (much to my disappointment and would think they would want to stay away from the crazy lady who offed the entire family last fall with a can of raid, flyswatter and sheer determination but apparently that's not how wasps think). He politely informed me that he was not going to get 5 cans of wasp spray but did ask if I wanted to see if they had a leather holster for the can so that when I go outside, I'm not fumbling to get the spray out (I thought it was a nice gesture). He ended up getting 2 cans (it's better than nothing) but went for the cheap-o version so I'm a little hesitant on using b/c if it doesn't kill on contact, the neighbors are going to enjoy seeing a fat pregnant lady running around like a lunatic b/c a crazed wasp is going after her. Back to the original story...I get home today and after greeting Chewbacca, I see a little black disc-thing by the back door so I go check this out. Apparently Husband found a great deal on some ant killer thing at Home Depot and decided that we needed this. Where is reason when I need it??? This looks like one of those roach motels that the roach crawls in, gets poison to-go and ends up dead in the middle of the floor. There are 2 of these discs in one package so I'm not sure if you're supposed to break them apart and put them in different places or if it's even safe to have inside the house. As usual, when asked about this purchase, Husband replied "Isn't it was $1.25." I ask if it's supposed to go inside or if the discs are supposed to be broken up but he has no idea and threw away the packaging so I can't even read the instructions. Who is this man??? I attached a picture for your viewing pleasure.

The last pics have nothing to do with a story, just wanted to post some pics of Tex since Sophie made the story...gotta spread the love to my fav little guy! These pics are funny b/c his tongue is sticking out of almost all of them...that's what I get for having a slow camera.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Belly Pics

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Random Funnies

So this blog is going to be random but, honestly, when are my blogs not. Here are a few funny stories I felt the need to share with you. WARNING: While these stories do not involve bodily functions (at least my own), the bunny story (last) is not for the PETA lover. I will provide another warning before I start this story so you might want to stop reading at that time.

SIL sent the funniest website ( which I would highly recommend checking out. Some of these texts were so funny I was crying b/c I was laughing so hard. One example: (619): Moving to Utah. Got sick of alcohol and have a severe wife shortage.

In other news, my neighbor decided to cut down a tree in his front yard. I'm not sure if he was trying to remove the tree or just cut the shit out of it b/c it had grown so big but he left the roots and some big branches still in the ground and moved all the big branches with leaves to the back of his house. We recently dug up the trees we had in our front yard and put them in the same area as the neighbor thinking that bulk trash would pick up but when we got 2 friendly notices, one from the city and one from our HOA, we quickly realized that you have to set up an appt to have the bulk trash picked up and Husband hauled off to Plano Pure to avoid a fine. I told Husband we should do the nice thing and tell the neighbor this news but this neighbor is a little weird and Husband didn't want to get in a long and uncomfortable conversation with him. The branches had been left outside for quite some time and I was wondering when the notices would start to come...I now know they came as recently as last week b/c yesterday morning when I was leaving, I noticed that the neighbor had put out his garbage trash can and stuffed the 6-8 foot branches in the can. It looked like he had a damn tree growing out of the can. I got a good chuckle out of this (as did Husband) and I got a call from home reporting that the waste management indeed did not pick up the can. :) At least cut down the branches if you're going to stuff in the garbage can! I would have taken a picture but thought with my luck, the neighbor would have walked out at that moment and I would have had an awkward explanation to come up with.

WARNING: Stop reading here if you are easily offended (seriously, I highly recommend that not everyone read this). Names have been changed to protect the people in this story.
This story came from a person very close to me who I will call Sue. Sue decided to mow the lawn one afternoon and was happily churning along when the mower dipped slightly and fur shot out. When Sue moved the mower, she discovered that she had run over a rabbit hole that had bunnies in it. Thinking that she had hurt a baby bunny, Sue ran to the garage and got a pitchfork to finish off the wounded bunny so that it would not be in pain. Sue started piercing the ground and realized that there was more than one bunny in the hole so she ran back to the garage to get a sledgehammer. Keep in mind, at this point, the pitchfork was standing straight up in the last position Sue had stuck it in. When Sue started beating the ground with the sledgehammer, she realized that bunnies do indeed make a squealing sound when being bludgeoned and said "I can't stand this sound, I've got to go faster". I would like to ensure all reading this know that Sue is not a cruel person and this behavior is completely out of character for her but she has a well-deserved hatred for bunnies b/c they eat all her beautiful flowers and she cannot find a way to keep them away which is why this story is funny to me.
If I have offended you, you only have yourself to blame as I warned you twice.