Monday, November 30, 2009


I've fallen way behind in updating pics so here are a few from the last month or so.

Santa's coming....I know him!

Can you see me?


...even more awesome.

Chiling in my blue shirt.

Go bears...

I found a box...

...and fell out of it.

Feed me.



Cabin in Broken Bow, OK

I just thought this was funny

Friday, November 20, 2009

Helmet hair and Stats some new this week that sucks a bit. We took the little man for his 4 month checkup this week and the doctor commented on the flat spot he's got on the back right of his head. I noticed this when he was very young (probably a month old) so we've been trying to do neck stretches and rotate how we hold him and how he sleeps to see if it gets any better for the last 2 months. The doc recommended that we contact Cranial Technologies to see about a consultation which we had this morning and the little man will officially need to wear the helmet. Fortunately, my little flat head is at a good age and shouldn't have to wear it too long but it still sucks. Always looking for the silver lining, I am very excited about getting to decorate the helmet and putting him in funny shirts like the one I found that says "In a few months my head will be round but in a few months, you'll still be ugly", "It's called Plagiocephaly Look it up" or "Don't mind me...just reshaping my head". I've read horror stories about the cost of these things but fortunately (according to the preliminary information), our insurance is great and covers the majority of the cost. We got pictures done this morning and it's amazing to see how lopsided his little head really is when you look at all the angles. Keep your fingers crossed that everything goes as planned!

On another note, we officially have a chunky tub of love according to his latest stats. He currently weighs 17.6 lbs (92%), is 25.5 inches long (75%) and I don't remember his head circumference but it was in the 42%. He has officially started eating rice cereal and loves it. He will start to cry if I don't shovel it in fast enough (see weight percentile for explanation)...this kid is going to end up eating us out of house and home. Last night I went to Target for diapers (he's in size 3 now) and oatmeal cereal and there was a couple behind me checking out holding a baby boy who looked about the same size as my slug. The dad asked how old little man was and when I answered 4 months, they both went "WHOA!". I looked at them a little funny and asked how old their monkey was...he was 10 months old. NICE.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Armpit of America

So I used to think Houston was the armpit of America but I have changed my tune after visiting Broken Bow, Oklahoma this weekend. Husband, the little man, my parents and I rented the cutest little cabin as a mini vaca to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city...boy did we! It's a good thing that we brought enough food to feed 25 people b/c there was a McDonald's in this town and that's about it. To give you an idea about the kind of town we were in, the Wal Mart had all their clothes displayed outside. Interesting. In all actuality, Houston or San Antonio (sorry Kel) are probably still at the top of my "armpit of America" cities but parts of Oklahoma certainly leave something to be desired. All in all, the little man's first trip went very well and the kid certainly didn't leave without getting a good share of kisses and hugs from his grandparents! I'll post pics of some of the interesting sights when I upload them tonight!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sneak Peek

Julie from Photo Jewels Photography has done it again! The little man had his 3 month pictures taken last weekend and here is the sneak peek. We heart you, Julie!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I realized this morning that I don't have it documented anywhere what my little guy is doing and I wanted to jot it down so I can remember what it was like when he was this little.

- He is 3 1/2 months old (15 weeks) and currently weighs over 16 pounds and everyone who sees him says "He's a big boy!"
- His hands and feet have grown! We are taking footprints every month for a quilt that a lady at my dad's work will sew once he turns 1.
- He can sit by himself in the Bumbo or Exersaucer but we have to put some blankets around so he doesn't lean.
- He loves to grin and talk back when you talk to him (this might prove to be a problem in later years but right now it's just cute).
- He still gets up in the middle of the night for a bottle. Sometimes Husband can get him to go back to sleep with just his bink but I usually just give him a bottle. He'll make it all the way through the night about once a week (sometimes for an entire week) but go back to the 2:00 or 3:00 feeding.
- He is drooling like a mad man and loves putting his entire fist in his mouth.
- He has started rolling to his side but hasn't mastered the complete roll-over yet.
- He has 2 feedings during the day of 6 oz each of formula and has smaller (more frequent) bottles of milk when he's home.
- He will crane his neck and move positions to look at the TV which means we have started DVR'ing our favorite shows to watch after he goes to bed.
- He goes to bed around 8:30.
- We swaddle him at night but he always breaks free of the swaddle and loves to sleep with his hands by his face.
- He reaches for the toys on his "gymini" thing and loves to look at himself in the mirror.
- His cry is LOUD! He doesn't cry often (usually only when he's hungry) but you definitely know when he's unhappy.
- I remember life before baby but don't know what we did before him!

We just had our 3 month pics done last weekend so once we get them back, I'll post for everyone to see.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We celebrated Halloween a little differently this year...a night which was previously filled with elaborate costumes and adult beverages started (and ended) much earlier this year with only the kiddos walking around in costumes (adult beverages were still in the picture). The little man decided that he didn't want to nap AT ALL during the day which meant that he provided the screams as sound effects (evidence is below).

Gotta love that face!

All the other kids are calmly looking at the cameras while mine is obviously not happy about having his picture taken...go figure.