Thursday, March 11, 2010

Big News....

Ok...I think I am finally ready to tell everyone the big news. Husband and I are......


.....hiking the Grand Canyon in April. Bet I fooled some of you into thinking I was preggo, didn't I??? :) Love my little chunk but I need some time before thinking about another one.
Where did this idea come from, you ask? Well...Husband originally started working out with a personal trainer ( to build his endurance for adventure races and Bill (trainer) mentioned that he and his wife were going to hike the GC this year. They have done this several times in the past but have 1.5 and 5 month old kids so they haven't been able to do it the past few years. Husband kept talking about this hike but Bill wouldn't let him go without me so I started working out with Bill and now I'm hooked. The hike will go from rim to rim in one day (probably around 8 hours and around 25ish miles) and is a little less than a month away. My parent's are watching our little man while we head out for this crazy short trip. :) I've been told it's an experience you'll never forget so pictures will definitely be posted after we get back. Wish me luck!

Monday, March 1, 2010


I don't know what life would have been like if Ebes hadn't posted pics of her little P-man and I hadn't called Julie to sign up for the baby package. I cannot talk enough about how much we absolutely love her and the pictures that she is able to capture! Here is a link to some sneak peeks of Little man's 6 month photoshoot.