Monday, July 19, 2010

Need big prayers for a small person

I know this isn't customary to have such a serious blog but forgive me...I need your big prayers for a small person. A friend of mine's niece who is 6 years old started having migraines in April so they made an appointment for a neurologist but they couldn't get her in until July 8th. They did an MRI that day and found a tumor growing on her brain stem. Long story short, they were able to remove the entire tumor but the biopsy came back as cancerous cells. This is a parent's worse nightmare so please keep Mia Thinnes and her family in your prayers as they embark on the long journey ahead.

On a lighter note, please also keep my friends J&A in your prayers too! They successfully transferred 3 embryos through IVF on Sunday and will make excellent parents.

I've been a very bad blogger lately but I promise that I will update everyone with our Hawaii trip, my little man starting to walk and his first birthday which is this Wednesday!!!