Wednesday, December 8, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like...Scrooges' house

No one ever told me that by making the decision to have a kid, I'd be giving up my love for Christmas decorations! Last year, I had no less than 12 Christmas trees in or around the house. This year, I have one that is decorated from the middle half up...that's it! How sad is that!?!? We haven't put the lights up outside, nothing on the mantle, no little village on the piano, nothing except a pre-lit tree that's half decorated...I don't even have the star on top! In my defense, my tiny terrorist likes to sneak over to the tree and edge his way closer until he can reach it. If I happen to look up and tell him he can look with his eyes but not with his hands, he'll sweetly smile at me and put his hands to the side or behind his back...BUT as soon as I look away, he grabs whatever is close and starts running to the other side of the house. When I finally get a hold of him, he just laughs and laughs and tries to do it again 10 minutes later.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Little man went in for his 15 month check-up last week and here are his stats:
Weight: 27.2 - 80% percentile
Height: 33.5 inches - 96% percentile
Head: I think 42% percentile but didn't pay that much attention to the head.

If he stays on target, he's set to be 6ft 2in! He certainly didn't get his height from me! :) He has always been a pretty even-tempered baby and rarely cries but I think he might be learning some not-so-good habits from the other kids at school b/c if I take away something that he wants (say a 1/2 full cup of water that he thought he could drink on his own and ended up soaking everything in a 1 foot radius), he SCREAMS. Not cries a little, he actually screams like I just cut off a finger. Wonderful. He can play peek-a-boo (something I discovered last night), loves to point at people, dance like a crazy person, play the piano (we have an old player piano and when we turn it on, he acts like he's playing) and EAT.

In other news, we're going on a couples retreat in February. OK, so it's not actually called a couples retreat but we're going to an all-inclusive resort in Mexico with 2 other couple friends...I can't wait!!

Here are some more pics from Halloween and other random ones.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Double Meat, Double Cheese

For Halloween, my little guy was a hamburger. Here are a few pics of his first real trick or treating experience. I'll see if I can get some pics from my work to post also!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My mind is a strange place to live...

A guy at work subtly reminded me yesterday that my brain doesn't exactly function like normal people's...I was at Lowe's this weekend and saw a pregnant lady looking at grills with her husband and my first thought wasn't "Oh, she's cute pregnant" or anything similar. I immediately thought "If I snuck up on her and yelled BOO, would she go into labor?". I chuckled out loud at the prospect which caught Husband's attention so then I had to tell him what I was thinking...sometimes I think I even worry him and he's been with me for 10 years!

Happy Wednesday!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baby to Adult

I can hardly believe that my baby boy is already one but this was completely solidified when we had his one year pics with Julie. She completely captured his personality and some of the best pics I think we've gotten since he was born! If anyone is looking for a good photographer, I can't say enough wonderful things about Julie. Check out the sneak peeks...

Special thanks again to Ebes for posting P's pics over a year ago and "introducing" us to Julie!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

June through August

I have a very good reason for not blogging got in the way. Here are some pics from our recent adventures.

In June, Husband and I took a long trip to Hawaii (baby-free).

Sunset on the first night on the Big Island
Husband found his look.
Black sand beach
I'd hate to be standing behind him...
Secluded beach
Akaka Falls
Lookout just before sunset
I loved how the clouds were so low
Wet side of the Big Island
Turtle (we also saw a few on Oahu when we were paddle boarding)
Another black sand beach right after a storm passed through
Black sand beach
Just hanging out
Water with the storm moving out
Our view from the hotel in Honolulu
First night on Oahu
I know it's blurry but I love the colors in the sky
Husband and I on a catamaran to watch the fireworks (it was July 4)
Hole in an island
Chinaman's Hat
The water was so blue here
There was a cave below this rock
Making a very important decision
Lighthouse from Diamond Head

In July, my little man turned 1! We celebrated with a Luau (fitting since we just got back from Hawaii). These pics are out of order but you get the gist.
He liked the icing-covered cone from his sandcastle cake better than the cake itself!

Plotting which part to eat first
Little man thinks "Whoa...a football!" while Little T looks on.
Is this how you make it vibrate?
In late July/August, we went to see Husband's family in Utah. Again, pics are out of order but whatever. On the last night we were camping, there was a big storm so I managed to get some really cool pics of the sky and the double rainbow (for those of you who haven't seen the double-rainbow bit on, you need to check it out).